Alvarenga Marques

By air mail (2013)

39,4x39,4 in ~ Pintura, Acrílico, Aerógrafo, Impressão digital, Foto Montagem

Comprar o original: € 2.600,00 + Entrega Contato Faça uma oferta!

Mixed media on canvas. The painting is signed on the back, wired and ready for hanging. The edges of the wrapped canvas are painted black. No need framing.
The surface is protected with a professional satin varnish.

Something nostalgic, this work refers to a time where the cartoon stories were an integral part of childhood and adolescence. The letters by airmail brought long-awaited news, at that time when the information was not so immediate as today. Supplanted currently by email, SMS, chat rooms, or if you want: by seas never before navigated ...
The letters's romanticism in parallel with the pop stars's magazines (here in Diana Ross stencil) from a time with another speed, where time seemed to last more time ...

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Disponíveis em reprodução de € 52

Reproduções, Estampas sobre tela, Impressão no metal

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Disponível como arquivos digitais de € 30

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Alimentado por Artmajeur